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XVI Science Week of the Community of Madrid
19 november 2016
One more year, through of the Science Week proposed by Community of Madrid, we performed three workshops for children of different ages
In the first workshop, the younger children (3 to 6 years old) played with spatial games and practiced their mental rotation, spatial visualization and spatial orientation. We enjoyed ourselves together and had a good time.

This activity was conducted by Laura M. Fernández Méndez.
In the second workshop, children between 7 to 9 years old were encouraged to answer different questions about spatial skills. Then, they could reflect on that through presenting games and finally, they were trained in a mental rotation task with our computer program.

This activity was conducted by Patricia Gimeno
The last workshop was aimed for boys and girls between 12 to 14 years old. They considered spatial skills and what sort of impact it has in our environment like sports, school subjects, travels or games, among others and how we can improve them. Subsequently, all participants were trained in a mental rotation task through a computer program.

This activity was conducted by Antonio Rodán
With theses workshops, we wanted to bring our research on spatial cognition to the society in XVI Science Week of the Community of Madrid.
We are very grateful and appreciate the collaboration of all children that enjoyed themselves and learned new things with us, and theirs parents for engaging them in these cultural activities.
We would also want to give thanks for the collaboration of our college Pedro R. Montoro.
María Rosa Elosúa and María José Contreras coordinated these activities. Both are leading an I+D project about spatial cognition.

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