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XVIII Science Week of the Community of Madrid
17 November 2018
For second consecutive year, we have performed the workshop entitled "Maps in the faculty of treasure: spatial reasoning and orientation in real environments" oriented to primary school children

Children enjoyed through a spatial play that consisted in to find a treasure following clues located in faculty of Psychology. They learned to use a map, in different conditions, to complete the tasks.
Spatial reasoning, navigation, or spatial memory are training with these activities in educative and evolutive context. To use a map, one needs different abilities such locate yourself with respect to the world around you, locate the site where you want to go and stablish a route between these two positions inside a representative environment (the map). That is, to understand spatial environment, children must relate the spatial symbol of the map with the real object of the environment to which the symbol refers, and locate it in a trajectory with respect to one's position. This workshop is focused to promote spatial cognition and learn to use a map as an useful tool in the real world.
This information can be consulted on the official UNED website by clicking HERE.
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