Several experts on Spatial Cognition will talk about aspects related to mental rotation, memory, gender differences and social equity.
Coordinator: MJ Contreras. 10/07/2019.
Available on Canal UNED:
Presentation: UNED Talks On Spatial Cognition International Results And Challenges
Psicología Básica I, UNED
Ana María Pérez García (Decana de la Facultad de Psicología, UNED)
María José Contreras Alcalde (Profesora del Departamento de Psicología Básica I, UNED)
Why spatial thinking matters for STEM, and what can we do about it
David H. Uttal (Northwestern University)
Mental Rotation training in young and older adults: transfer and maintenance effects
Chiara Meneghetti (University of Padova)
Linking cognitive psychology with education: Working memory updating and academic achievement
María Teresa Lechuga (University of Jaen)
Transfer effects of working memory updating training: now you see it, now you don´t
Rocío Linares (University of Jaen)
A scientific fairy tale: a project on spatial cognition to enhance gender equality and social equity
María José Contreras Alcalde (UNED)